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Yonsei University adalah universitas Kristen swasta yang berlokasi di Seoul, Korea Selatan. Berdiri tahun 1885, Yonsei merupakan salah satu universitas tertua di Korea Selatan, universitas swasta favorit di Korea Selatan, dan dikenal sebagai salah satu dari tiga universitas teratas di Korea.
Pilihan Fakultas:
1. College of Liberal Arts
2. Collge of Commerce and Economics
3. College of Commerce and Economics
4. School of Business
5. College of Science
6. College of Engineering
7. College of life science and biotechnology
8. College of Computing
9. College of Theology
10. College of Social Sciences
11. College of Music
12. College of Human Ecology
13. College of Science in Education
14. University College
15. Underwood International College
16. College of Medicine
17. College of Dentistry
18. College of Nursing
19. College of Pharmacy
🌐 Informasi Lebih Lanjut:
📱Konsultasi via WA Admin Center:
0813-3174-2497 atau 0896-5229-2211
📍Head Office:
Pondok Pesantren Darul Hikam (International Islamic Boarding School)
Tambaksuruh, Tambakagung, Kec. Puri, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61363
📍Marketing Offie:
Pertokoan Modern Taman Bungurasih Indah Blok B-26. Jl. Letjend Sutoyo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
Media Sosial ECC Indonesia:
📱 IG&FB: ECC Indonesia Official
📧 Email: info@eccindonesia.com